Synthesis Explorer

About Synthesis Explorer

SE is designed to help student chemists plan synthetic routes and study key organic chemistry reactions. It can be used by teachers and students to introduce, explore and revise organic chemistry. Features include:

The spectral data is especially useful when illustrating reaction schemes which involve a change in functional group and reflects the increasing requirements for understanding spectroscopic data in the current post-16 specifications.

Your specifications

For more information about specifications, visit the appropriate awarding body website and download the latest version:


Synthesis Explorer is provided as a free resource. However, it is the result of significant investments of time and effort. If you found this resource useful and would like to help to keep it up-to-date (and hopefully, advert free), please consider a donation. Since you can't buy us a cup of coffee, simply click the Paypal button below:

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The information published on this site could include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Please contact us (twitter: @SynthExplorer) if you find any!

We can and will make improvements to this site and the information published herein at any time!

Features / to do / done

Done list (changelog)

To do list

Application Programmers Interface

Embedding SE into an external website

You can embed SE with synthetic routes pre-loaded into your lesson plans, by simply adding one line of HTML code to your web page:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Adding compounds to the URL

Up to six compounds may be added in the form of a valid systematic name, CAS identifier or ChemSpider ID. So long as these compounds are in the SE database, they will load and any synthetic pathways that exist between the compounds will be displayed.


For example, adding:

loads butanone;

loads butanone and butan-2-ol; and

loads butanone, butan-2-ol and 2-chlorobutane.

Displaying compound data

You can also choose what, if anything, to display in the right-hand data panel:



loads butanone with its spectra displayed.

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